After hearing about the Kindle in our lecture a couple of weeks ago I have done a little research on it. I have come to the conclusion that having a Kindle in the classroom could be a very positive addition to the learning environment. Though they may not be a cheap purchase, being priced at 399.99, the use of Kindles could cut down on the cost of purchasing text books or books for reading. This could be the classrooms way of teaching the students to "go green!"
The use of a kindle could help certain students with different learning strategies. They can follow along with the words on the screen while hearing the words out loud. Because the students can set the pace of the reading, it makes it easy for students to follow along in their reading. Black and white pictures also can appear on the screen which is great for visual learners.
You can read more about this technology at http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/subjects/k/kindle/index.html .
Take a look!
photo from 4freephotos.com
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